A Limit Approaching Perfection If you’re afflicted with this idea that you need something to be perfect – whether that be a skill, deliverable, project, whatever – you probably know how crippling it can be. Continue Reading →
Task-Crusher Days At the end of a month, there’s usually a lot of random nonsense that has built up. Continue Reading →
What’s Your Consumption:Production Ratio? When I look back on my life choices in 2010-2011, I shudder. I wasted so much time that could have been put to better use. I could have sped up my progress in my business, physical, social, and emotional life in such rapid ways by changing my actions that it almost makes me sick. Continue Reading →
Writing for Yourself Something interesting has happened after switching to SETT on my blog…I’m actually getting comments! Continue Reading →
Deliberate Practice: Skateboarding Edition There’s a familiar, terrible feeling that every skateboarder knows well. Continue Reading →