in Productivity

Writing for Yourself

Something interesting has happened after switching to SETT on my blog…I’m actually getting comments!  I started this blog for these reasons:

  • Own
  • Controlling search results for my own name
  • Getting some thoughts out of my head and onto some digital paper

Prior to SETT, I was the only person that looked at the blog.  This is corroborated with a quick scan at my analytics since the blog was created…and this was just fine.  I wasn’t writing for anyone but myself, and I did absolutely no promotion of my material whatsoever.

Once I switched to SETT, I started getting some traffic and comments from cool, like-minded people that seemed to like (at least some) of my posts.  It’s awesome to know that some of my writing has provided some semblance of value to someone other than myself, especially because I don’t consider myself a skilled writer or someone who can articulate his thoughts very well.

This brings me to the point of this piece: write for yourself.  Chances are very high that you’re not a 100% unique being on this Earth and that there are many people who have various overlapping interests of yours.  By writing posts that deliver a ton of value to yourself, you are inevitably going to be delivering at least a sliver of that value to people that are interested in some of the same things.

For example, one of my big focuses this year is habit formation as well as the larger considerations of designing your routines and schedules to maximize your output.  While the community of people interested in habits is  by no means small, I found that my approach worked best for me, and improved upon a lot of the approaches that I had tried in the past.

I’m still developing the framework behind my approach to habit formation, but it’s given me great results so far and I’m excited for how far I can develop it in the future.

The Best Part of Writing for Yourself

When you attempt to deliver value to yourself first, two cool things happen as a result.

First, you start to detach from the outcome of publishing your content online.  It’s not for them anyways, right?  So who cares about what happens after you hit the publish button?

Second, no matter what happens, so long as you have followed through on delivering value to yourself first, you will win.  Your post could garner 100 negative reactions, or blow up virally on the positive side and it really doesn’t matter much either way!

This post kicks off my week of input deprivation.  No TV, social media, reading, etc – only production.  This means I have to come up with topics all on my own, out of my own brain instead of seed articles that I can build new insights off of.  It’s new territory and I’m excited to get into it!