- Move away from business needing you in order to function
- Is your self-talk focused on making it through the day?
- Is your day a jumble of events, or is it orderly (personal management problem)
- Systems must be in place before freedom and money come
- To begin, you first need to see them everywhere you look
- Things we do automatically (breakfast, driving, etc) are this way because at some point in time we paid attention
- Elementary and fundamental shift in perspective
- No turning back – once seen, cannot be unseen
- Nothing new – just tweaking your perception
- There will be some heavy lifting
- Documentation is key – written goals and procedures
- Separation, repair, dissection of systems
- Ongoing maintenance of systems
Chapter 1 – The Mindset
- Present moment appreciate is vital – but spend some time ensuring future will be in control as well
- Happiness is found in our control over our personal systems
- Make changes to things you CAN affect vs. things you cannot
- Pay attention to the mechanical details of life
Chapter 2 – A System of Systems
- Author uses Centratel telephone answering service, a company he owns, as illustration
- Preventative systems keep normal systems running
Chapter 3 – The Attack of the Moles
- Quality improvement – increased price by 300% in his business. Lost 1/3 of his customers, revenues doubled
- Despite growth, profitability remained the same
- Are you sabotaging your ability to create systems?
- Are you doing well in systems in some areas of your life and not in others?
Chapter 4 – Gun to the Head Enlightenment
- Centratel about to fail – finally found peace in the inevitable chaos
- Abandoned past assumptions because there was nothing to lose
- Sees everything in a system framework at this point
- Centratel = Primary system composed of subsystems
- Inefficient subsystems create failed primary system
- The world is very efficient already (cars, phones, macro social networks, economy)
- Human body is filled with different systems that work in parallel
- Things that go wrong stem from something wrong in a subsystem
- Our lives are made of countless linear systems
- You need an objective in business in order to develop systems
- Turn business into self-perpetuating organism that doesn’t have files
- Create methodologies for each system that you can break down
- Refine these systems. Create new ones, delete old ones
- Document organic processes to order them into something repeatable
- Systems apply to human routines as well. Room layout, morning routines, etc
Chapter 5 – Execution and Transformation
- Action is a builder of confidence – inaction is the cause of fear
- Strategic Objective – short document outlining philosophy of company/life
- General Operating Principles – keep these in mind, guiding decision makers
- Working Principles – documentation of each subsystem
- Most flawed system first, then next most flawed
- Critical systems made redundant
- Health – use 3 items documents similar to business
- Paying bills – online bill pay instead of hard copy checks
Chapter 6 – Systems Revealed and Managed
- Discover, examine, optimize your systems
- Your are a system of systems – social, health, business, etc
- Peace and prosperity enter as you work through this process
- Everything is a linear system that constantly executes
- An errant procedure in a system causes it to unravel and get out of control
- Repair inefficient mechanisms one by one
- Minor system change versus redoing entire system
- Address problem then take action to improve system
- You must document your system improvements as they happen
- Fix one system after another, do not kill fires
- This must become the priority over day to day business actions
- As you get better at tweaking, you will see them everywhere
- Relationship management system – reason why people don’t call back, remember birthdays, break promises
Chapter 7 – Getting Fit
- One by one, isolate and perfect systems
- Make your systems visible
- Bring 1 by 1 to foreground
- Adjust them
- Document them
- Maintain them
- Pull individual processes out of the mess and fix them
- You are the watcher of your life, looking over systems
- Most fail by not taking action, not by misapplying a system
Chapter 8 – Critical Documentation
- Strategic Objective
- General Operating Principles
- Working Principles and Procedures
- Refining these systems creates compounding returns
- Strategic Objective – one page, life & business separate
- GOP – 2-3 pages, general decision-making guidelines
- Extract these from everyday experience, may take a month+ to create
- Working Procedures
- Nitty gritty outline of exactly how a system operates
- Start with the most critical systems
- Documents are tangible, in reality vs. in your brain
- They remind you of systems focus and keep you from straying
- Get outside the temporary mental setbacks
- Self-rescues always increase self control
- You can depend on mechanical realty to guide you
- Work the System elevates you past the events of the day
- Manufacturing systems are perfect examples of this
Chapter 9 – Project Engineers
- You must internalize the systems mentality
- Build a vivid systems improvement analogy and connect to it
- Author uses position as a project engineer at electric company
- Avoid getting caught up in the work – instead, monitor from outside
- Author has systems for CRM, family, fitness, etc
Chapter 10 – Strategic Objective and GOP
- One types page, first draft should take a few hours
- GOP, over a month or so
- Then, working procedures – majority of time spent here
Chapter 11 – Working Procedures
- Make organic, human processes as reliable as mechanical processes
- Apply system improvements to working procedures
- Repeat over and over and over again
- If they aren’t tangible, they don’t exist
- Anyone can make a system improvement at any time
- Cast procedure in concrete = WRITE IT DOWN
- Create so someone off the street can do the job, more or less
- If you see an area of improvement, fix it immediately
- Working proc. Should evolve, but stabilize over time
- Creating procedures is HIGHEST priority list over day to day work
- Have people delegated and ask them how to improve procedures
- Computer based organizer
- Procedure to create procedures – scale it out
- Must be created with employees
- Automatically modify procedures – no bureaucracy!
- components flawless = org. flawless
- Way in front of 98% of competition by doing this
- Every process needs a working procedure
- Presentation, style, tone, display of procedures are consistent
Chapter 12 – Good Enough
- If you’re going to work, WORK. No multitasking
- Better than “good enough” = waste of time/money
- Shoot for 98% perfection – extra 2% worthless
- Are you seeing useless detail about processes?
- Reconciling checkbook to nearest cent. Who cares?
Chapter 13 – Errors of Omission
- What are your top five mistakes in life? Do they stem from inaction?
- Not taking action as an error of omission – recognize this
- Figure out what you are NOT doing that is creating failures in life
- Are you @ mercy of outside system that costs time/$?
- Fix, replace, eliminate
Chapter 14 – Quiet Confidence
- Lack of quit courage precedes a downfall, incites errors of omission
- g. do things when absolutely don’t want to – build courage
- g. live up to word when convenient not to = build courage
- View laziness as an object, detach mechanically
- Ask why you are lacking quiet courage in the moment to spur action
Chapter 15 – Point of Sale Thinking
- Do not delay actions that could be done immediately
- Handle as things come up – build confidence and avoid overwhelm
- Do/Delegate/Discard
- Automate/systemize
- Multitasking is a fail strategy
- How much of what you do really matters?
- Stop consuming non-valuable information
- Measure your body in order to cultivate POS thinking
Chapter 16 – Extraordinary Systems
- Attract and keep people due to great working system
- Give them opportunity and turn them loose
- Smart, honest, clean living people that will attach to your vision
- Leaders of successful businesses are system engineers
- Hiring:
- Did they show up on time?
- Aptitude test
- Did applicant look @ company, have questions
- Did they listen to you or wait to speak
- Use gut feelings to disqualify, not to qualify people
- Be more efficient than your competitors
Chapter 17 – Consistency
- Think in systems wherever you go
- As an employee, your boss is your customer
- Relies on personal habit of consistency
- Clean and organize in your own life – consistently
Chapter 18 – Communication
- Quality of communication = quality of life
- Self-talk-excessive and can become a problem
- Act more, self-ruminate less
- Keep promises – you can become 100% reliable and watch your life change
- Make communication tools available to your staff
- Never bash others behind backs – people know what you’re up to
- Are you acting as if showing up is a favor? Change this mindset
Chapter 19 – BPT and MPT
- Biological prime time = where you are most active and alert in the day. Hard to change this, accept and work with it
- Mechanical prime time = what you do during BPT
- Typically a sine wave throughout the day for BPT, one period in morning and one at night – midday lower energy
- MPT = work on 3 documents during this time
- Ask yourself moment to moment – is this action creating a business or is it perpetuating a job?
- Use MPT to remove yourself from business day to day activities
- Maintain MPT: What should I be doing NOW to grow business?
- How can I delegate/automate rote aspects of my job?
- Most alert periods of the day are spent on MPT tasks
- When not in BPT, other tasks + exercise, social, etc
- Be careful: You still have bad habits. Don’t ‘get feel good about this message yet
- Immerse yourself in what must be done right now – enlightenment.
Founder / CEO of Epic Gardening. Gardener, business-builder, curious.